12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness by Donald M. Epstein, D.C., Nathaniel Altman

- 12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness
- Donald M. Epstein, D.C., Nathaniel Altman
- Page: 225
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9781878424082
- Publisher: Amber-Allen Publ., New World Library
12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness
Free downloading of books online 12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness
The Twelve Stages of Healing offers us fascinating insights into the complex relationship between mind, emotions, and body, and shows us how we can use these insights to promote greater health in our bodies and harmony in our relationships. After observing thousands of people in both private practice and public seminars, Dr. Epstein discovered twelve basic rhythms, or stages of consiciousness, shared by all humanity. Each stage of healing has a distinct "rite of passage" -- a chaotic experience or healing crisis-- that healps us to reunite with aspects of ourselves that are traumatized, alienated, forgotten, abused, shamed, or unforgiven. Each stage also has a charcteristic pattern...
The 12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness
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The 12 Stages of Healing : A Network Approach to Wholeness
See larger photo · The 12 Stages of Healing : A Network Approach to Wholeness. by Donald M. Epstein, Nathaniel Altman Reviewer: Dr.
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"The 12 Stages of Healing" - A Network Approach to Wholeness By: Donald M. Epstein, D.C. (Founder and Developer of Network Chiropractic).
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The 12 Stages of Healing: A Network Approach to Wholeness by Donald M. Epstein, Nathaniel Altman, Amber-Allen Publishing; 1994 ISBN: 1878424084.
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